Wednesday, 15 November 2017

An update.. and a discussion about Home education


Nothing has changed on the Home front..

We are still in our temporary home, (we do like it though and are grateful of a roof!) we are now calling it out temporarily permanent home!   We are missing having our rabbit and dragon though and the kids miss a dog, but fingers crossed it won’t be forever.

So last month we had been on the housing list for two years (and homeless for 19 months).  It’s a situation I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy,  don’t get me wrong I’m grateful of our roof, but not being able to settle isnt doing anyone any good.  Having discussions with a child leaving school about college when she asks about were we will be living when she starts, so where does she look?  The advice I’m giving at the moment is carry on regardless....   story of my life! Lol!  We will deal with whatever else is thrown at us when it happens but while it’s not happened it can’t be allowed to crowd our heads.   The kids take this on board, I just muddle along, hubby is having proper ups and downs,  it’s mentally tough x

We had the lady out from the education authority (you can refuse these visits but we chose to take them)  she’s happy with the education the girls are receiving so that’s a huge weight off my mind!

We had a long chat though about the increasing numbers in Home educated children,  I don’t want to be quoted on this as it’s just the way I understood it.. but more children are now being home educated that are homeless, as parents don’t want to settle them in a school when you don’t know how long they will be there.. (I understand that completely, it was a huge part in our decision too), the areas we are moved to don’t always have enough school spaces (and probably don’t want homeless children as a transient population looks bad on their records for ofsted) and where new houses are being build the infra-structure isn’t being put in, so besides the lea convincing schools to open extra classes where they can, there’s no school places for the kids in permanent homes either..  I appreciate there thousands like us who want to home educate, it’s the best thing for us and we love it, but I also appreciate there’s parents who want school places, and can’t access them.        

 I don’t have the answers, but this our next generation, the adults of the future, who have no belonging, no community. People complain the kids are causing trouble, there’s increasing gun and knife crime.  Firstly there’s good kids out there too!!   But if you take away all ownership of areas, all community spirit, take kids away from where there’s respect and care, you used to find generations of families, kids had someone to look up to, someone to turn to, to talk to, to guide them, listen, help, and to bring them down a step or two when they needed it, then move families out.. away from the support systems, don’t give them a permanent home, a school, a community centre, a youth club, youth workers, support..  these kids look for some stability which at times are gangs and getting into trouble, it’s not right, but takeaway everything they hold precious or want to protect and there’s nothing left for them other than people who manipulate situations so the feeling of ownership and belonging is fulfilled, and Gangs can do this..

As I say I have no answers but I do know that by constantly cutting the services to the people who need them aren’t helping anyone.. invest in the kids they are our future! And the poor kids deserve  the same as the rest. Irrelevant  of colour, race, religion and creed they are all our future and all deserve investment.

On a plus.. we had our traditional bonfire night.  We had a brilliant night, the kids all invited friends (who are all adult size now!) so we had a house full!!  The neighbours enjoyed the fireworks (they had been warned)  so life plods on.......

Looking at fireworks from a warm viewing spot! 

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