Thursday, 4 May 2017

A new bidding cycle.. and another we can't bid on!

This is the most frustrating bit of the situation..


Basically houses appear today (Thursday) you bid on ones you would like to be considered for, (only 2 a week) and they disappear midnight Monday..  you get an idea of placement while bidding but the ultimate decision is down to whoever is shortlisting.

Now remember I had to change our address on the housing application to the b&b the council homeless team had put us in..  this is classed as a change in circumstance so it disables the ability to bid, until the form is 'processed' (remember the days a person in the other end of the phone just clicked a few buttons and magically address changed,  They disappeared last month!)

So I've been calling and e-mailing, to try and get the application sorted so the bidding can re-commence..

I've just received an e-mail saying the form can take 6 weeks 😱😱😱😱😱. And I need to be patient 😂😂😂.  There's no one to appeal to.. councillors etc don't reply, so we are stuck here without even the ability to try and find a home! So all these houses and there's nothing I can do...

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